Electrical Worker Interview Template
In today’s climate many people have found themselves out of work and looking to re-enter the workforce. With the recent announcements from the Federal Government regarding the HomeBuilder Grant, demand for quality trade and electrical workers is looking positive.
As state governments look to kick start significant infrastructure projects to stimulate the economy we anticipate an increase in roles being available and filled. Hiring the right person is fundamental to an organisation’s success, it also builds an internal momentum that can last for many years.
One of the key steps in the recruitment process is the interview stage – it’s an important and critical step in assuring you are about to hire the best ‘A Player’ for the position. INSELEC believe there are 3 essential factors that can help you hire the right person at every interview:
Attitude/will to Succeed – Do they have the desire to be the best at what they do, act with courage, persevere , eager to learn/ innovate?
Values – Do they share the same values as your organisation? are they the right culture fit?
Results – Do they have demonstrated outcomes of your success factors? can they deliver?
At INSELEC, we’ve had many years of experience in identifying the key factors that lead to effective and long term recruitment success. To help you with your recruitment processes, we have created the perfect template FREE for you to download today.
For further support, information or tools, please call INSELEC on (07) 3852 4252 or email admin@inselec.com.au